In the first year of the decade the DEPARTMENT OF INTERPLANETARY AFFAIRS secured a new headquarters at the UNIVERSE INTERNATIONAL center in the Iao Valley Lodge, where many people came to weekly meetings to tell of their experiences with U.F.O.s and alien beings.

A tremendous amount of new information about our galaxy was reported to the center, including many details of the history of several planets and solar systems and the interplanetary migrations, colonizations, and star wars of these civilizations.

A report that the secret alien U.F.O. base, below Maui╒s Eke Crater, had been closed down came in, and there was speculation that maybe our exposure of it and all the hikers that later searched for the entrances possibly caused the aliens to depart. A scientist who we cannot name here due to security risks, reported that this base had been relocated beneath the restricted Naval Kahoolawe island only a few miles off of Maui╒s southern coast, and that there were underwater entrances into tunnels for the spacecraft that can travel underwater as easily as through the atmosphere. Our investigation had learned years earlier that the official Air Force U.F.O. investigation, Project Bluebook, had only been involved in the less important, least revealing, minor U.F.O. reports, and that the very serious, hard-core, ultra-secret, research was really done by Naval Intelligence. Kahoolawe was used by the NAVY for target practice, and has been off limits to civilians since World War Two. This report stated that the base was being used by the Zetans, the gray aliens from the Zeta Reticula star system that have the secret treaty with Pentagon insiders in the secret government exposed by William Cooper.

In 1990, Mark Huber, a former commander in Naval Intelligence who had alien contact in duty in the military, spent most of the year on Maui and regularly met with our Department of Interplanetary Affairs, where he supplied us with the most revealing current alien information of the last decade. Huber had flown a spy mission over the former Soviet Union and was caught in a severe storm returning to the US, where he had an encounter in the air with an alien spacecraft guidance. Later, he discussed insider alien and U.F.O. secrets with the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, as well as other insider and witnesses in the military government complex. He reported that he was abducted by the grey Zetan aliens, who were unable to use him for their biological purposes due to a technique he learned(and revealed to us concerning how to be rejected), and that this was a physical abduction into a material spacecraft. Mark was also contacted by the friendly Pleiadean race that has been so active on Maui and Kauai for a long time, yet reportedly removed most of its interplanetary peace corps from Earth in 1989 as the situation here became out-of-hand and their aid was having too little impact. Few of their ambassadors from their home plane Erra remain on Earth in their alien bodies. The Erran base on Kauai has been in a process of evacuation. Their main contact on Earth in the 1970 to 1985 period, in Switzerland, has had numerous attempts at assassination and is now low key and in relative silence. However, Mark Huber had numerous communications from the Pleiadeans, and showed us a video of their basic history outline, beliefs, and some of their culture. Unfortunately, the secret MJ-12/CIA/CFR-Tri-lateralist complex in the international government structure has prevented the Pleiadeans from completing their mission to help humanity, through a highly organized and well-financed campaign of ridicule and using their own hoaxes to make it look like others are perpetrating the hoaxes. It was also reported that the Pleiadeans were originally from the Lyran star system, migrated to Vega and then to Earth; were involved in attacks by other aliens during their Earth empire millenniums, and departed Earth to later colonize Erra in the Pleiades! After millenniums of a golden age of peace and prosperity on Erra, the Pleiadeans there decided to help defend planet Earth from attacks from the Orion Constellation Confederation, as well as the Draco-Zeta alliance, and problems arose from violations of the Galactic Law of Non-Intervention. As a result, many Pleiadeans believe they have a karmic debt to pay on Earth as a result of being involved in that ancient interplanetary war on our planet, and they are the ones who returned in this century to try to help certain Earth groups, civilizations, and scientists after all the governments had rejected the aid in secret contacts.

It was revealed that the famous astronomer Carl Sagan, who once publicly promoted life on other planets in the media, and later had a complete reversal into skepticism, was part of the MJ-12 government conspiracy group. Sagan said human life in the Pleiades would be impossible due to the fact that they are young blue stars, yet neglected the data that the Pleiadeans only physically resemble Earthians in appearance...Their density and molecular being much lighter and less dense than ours and adaptable to Erra, which in fact has far more oxygen than Earth. On Erra there is reported to be only one race.

The Pleiadeans colonized Maui long before the first Hawaiians arrived, and established a natural organic life-style in harmony with the land, sea, and elements rather than a technological society. However, when the Hawaiians arrived from Tahiti, most of the Pleiadeans either left Earth or went underground in the tunnels and base below Maui, and only maintained consistent direct contact with the Kahuna priesthood. Each of over 70 alien civilizations that were reported monitoring Earth, influenced a particular nation, tribe or religion in the history of Earth, yet sometimes conflicts between planets over guiding the development of a certain empire or tribe resulted in ancient star wars. The Pleiadeans were most influential with the Hawaiian Islands, the Mayans, the Druids, the Manchurians, one eon in Tibet, and the Egyptians(who the Syrians and Sethians also tried to control, resulting in the wars of the gods in ancient Egypt). We previously wrote about how the Pleiadeans were involved in two separate saucer landings in Wailu Valley, Maui, in the late 1980╒s and entered the home of two contactees. They were substantially involved in the colonization of prehistoric Lemurian empire(the Empire of the Sun). While the people reporting contacts with Pleiadeans usually mention blonde or golden hair, white skin, Nordic features, and blue to green eyes...there are also many Pleiadeans with pure Hawaiian features. In all reports they were extremely attractive males and females who can walk among Earth people un-noticed while wearing Earth clothing. Many Pleiadeans have reportedly spent enough time on Earth to make contacts and reveal information, yet are unable to remain in our atmosphere for more than a few hours at a time because it is very dangerous for their skin and lungs. They have to enter and depart a density enhancement transformer on their spacecraft before even stepping into our atmosphere.

The Errans are physical beings from a 3D physical dimensional planet like ours, yet not as dense as we are, with 4th dimensional interfacing complexities. We were told that Earthians cannot expect the Pleiadeans to prevent us from destroying ourselves with nuclear wars, materials, or pollution...or even natural disasters. They observe the Law of Non-Interference with our planets internal affairs, after learning a bitter lesson for breaking the galactic rules in ancient time. These visitors are only permitted to pass on universal spiritual laws, good advice, and positive ideas and plans to their Earth contacts, and they are not allowed to give us their advanced technology. They are permitted to try to interfere with an invasion from another planet, yet after the failure of that policy in ancient times, are no longer interested! However, in some cases the Errans reportedly removed a large number of Zetans from an underground base in Nevada last year, due to some illegal activity on the part of the invaders that infringed upon galactic law. At this printing we do not have the details.

Mark Huber added that the Zetans were having maneuvers in Haleakala Crater in 1990, related to the secret star wars laser system there at the domes, and he witnessed this alien U.F.O. activity himself. It is no longer safe for a lot of people to wonder around the crater as abductions are possible. Every year people disappear on Maui unaccounted for. The Pleiadean/Venusian control of that are is gone, so be alert.

In reference to Venus, an amazing article appeared in the normally conservative GLOBAL news section of the HONOLULU ADVERTISER, on May11, 1991. The brief article was entitled UFO CONVENTION GETS SPEAKER FROM VENUS, and quotes, ╥Omnec Onec, who landed here from Chicago, says life on her native planet Venus isn╒t all that different from life on Earth. It╒s like a desert here. It╒s amazing how adaptable the human species is.╙ Onec, one of 30 speakers at the World UFO Conference that landed here this month, who in her Earth life lives in Chicago and is known as Sheila Gipson, said she is from Teutonia, Venus.

It amazed us how factual and matter-of-fact the news report was, which was also in the national newspapers, without the usual sarcastic humor. This women, Onec, was the same one I spoke to on the phone before my September 1990 public lecture on Venusians on Maui, and she is also known as Echo Lei. Since that conversation 2 Xian ambassadors who do research and contacts for the Department of Interplanetary Affairs, Romeo and Dean, personally met with her and photographed her. I have photos of this beautiful Venusian women who looks like a very attractive blonde Earth women(Venus was reportedly involved in the ancient colonization of Earth and the Pleiadean connection).

By Onec╒s stating that Venus is not all that different from Earth, she was saying that they have mountains, vegetation, desserts, water, clouds, cities, clothes, furniture, buildings, dancing, music, and many other things like our civilization. In fact, space travelers from Venus taught many aspects of civilization to the ancient peoples of the Andes, Mexico, India, Europe, and the Middle East(according to many ancient writings in libraries and museums). The ancients told the truth.

The capital city of Venus on its material plane is Retz, located in a dessert where it is hot and dry. According to Onec, that are looks much like Arizona, although the city appears very futuristic compared to our standards of architecture. Retz is one of very few physical creations remaining on Venus, as most of its material plane civilization disappeared long ago in Venusian history. Retz mainly serves as a space port for interplanetary travel to physical planets and scientific and diplomatic missions and is protected by a force field. Onec gave us a detailed description of Retz and what happens there. In 1955, the Venusians brought Onec from Retz to Earth in a spaceship and landed in a remote area in the Nevada desert at night, where an alien disguised as an Earthian awaited in a new Cadillac automobile. Two aliens, one from Venus and one from elsewhere, drove her to Tennessee while they slowly explained and showed all the important details of how Earth people live, think, and behave...so she could secretly blend in with them while training for her mission her. She has been mostly incognito until this year when she appeared at the UFO convention to tell Earth about life on Venus and the message these far more evolved people have for Earthians. After the convention she was reportedly deluged with invitations to go on television and radio talk shows and other newspaper interviewers, and was able to convince most of the media so substantially that they took her seriously and gave her favorable coverage. Mark Huber, our UFO expert from Naval Intelligence, contacted Onec and is convinced she is really Venusian, and said there had been attempted plans to assassinate her that failed. Some witnesses reported they watched her demonstrate amazing powers she rarely uses in public, and one said she was able to make spaceships appear overhead.

Our Department of Interplanetary Affairs is now in direct contact with Onec and is negotiating plans with her so she can come to Maui this year. She is ready to reveal her true identity to the public after being low-key for decades. She sent us the history of civilization on Venus, which shows that their planet had most of our problems long ago and how they solved all of these to evolve into a paradise of peace, love, beauty, and harmony with a utopian science. I have a color painting reproduction she did of her village of Teutonia on Venus, which is so beautiful that it borders on fantasy. An advance copy of her book about Venus and her life on Earth is in our files here.

Government agencies that lie to the public about how aliens and their craft do not exist, in the famous cover-up that 90% of polled Americans are now aware of, would also have to hide the home of saucers. 90% were traced back to Venus, according to some defected Soviet scientists who traced as many as their sophisticated equipment could process. All of the data about Venus being too hot with poisonous ultra-high pressure atmosphere is a lie, according to a massive amount of scientific research you can order from us for five dollars. Much of the NASA data on Venus radically contradicts private civilian scientific data, as well as Soviet data and even NASA data itself! If you compare all NASA has told us about Venus over the last two decades, you will find heavy contradiction. Parts of Venus are edenic tropic paradises according to Onec, and more beautiful than anything you can imagine on Earth. However, we cannot live in their atmosphere in our bodies and visa-versa without death. They only resemble us in appearance. They are much lighter and less dense with a radically different molecular structure in their tissues so they can live in a different atmosphere! The city of Retz is a very rare place on Venus that is physically very similar to Earth.

Most of the Venusian Civilization is far different from what we are aware of on Earth in its composition and appearance...their water is not water as we know it, etc.

It is interesting to note that Dr. Frank Stranges, President of the National Investigations Committee on Unidentified Flying Objects told me that when he interviewed the Venusian Val Thor in the Pentagon in1959, during the secret meeting with President Eisenhower, that the Venusian base was in Nevada(underground).

ALL OF THE ABOVE WAS REPORTED TO ME IN MY INVESTIGATIONS. Make your own conclusions. The information is as valid as those giving it to us.

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